李秀军:Innovations in micro- & nanotechnology for cancer early detection and beyond
Posted on:2023-12-28 hits:


报告题目:Innovations in micro- & nanotechnology for cancer early detection and beyond

报告时间:2023-12-29 15:00

报告人: 李秀军 教授





Along with infectious diseases, cancer is another leading cause of death worldwide. Although different types of biomolecular quantitation methods such as ELISA have been widely used for cancer biomarker detection, they have limited applications in low-resource settings due to their dependence on expensive and bulky analytical instruments such as microplate readers and fluorescence microscopes. There is an urgent demand to develop simple and low-cost biosensing methods to address those challenges. Hence, we developed various nanomaterial-mediated biosensing techniques for early detection of cancer biomarkers at the point of care and for effective cancer therapy. For instance, we, for the first time, developed an innovative photothermal immunoassay for cancer biomarker detection using a common thermometer. In addition, we discovered the photothermal effect of TMB and applied it for quantitative cancer biomarker detection using a thermometer for low-resource settings. Although we did not use expensive instruments, the sensitivity is comparable to UV-Vis methods using a spectrometer.


李秀军,现任美国德克萨斯大学埃尔帕索分校(University of Texas at El Paso, 缩写UTEP)终身教授和法医学学科主任。其于2008年在加拿大西蒙弗雷泽大学(Simon Fraser UniversitySFU)在微流控芯片和单细胞分析方面取得理学博士学位。从20082009年在美国加州大学伯克利分校(UC Berkeley)从事DNA检测方面的博士后科研,之后从2010年到2011年在哈佛大学(Harvard University)师从著名的Prof. George Whitesides从事疾病检测方面的博士后研究。从2012年初就职于UTEP2017年、2022年分别破格提升终身副教授和教授。李秀军课题组的研究领域是面向微流控生物芯片和纳米技术在生物分析,生物医学工程,催化和环境方面的应用,特别是专注于低成本诊断、病原体和癌症标记物快速检测、纳米生物传感器,生物组织工程和单细胞分析等领域的创新和研发。他开创了纸/聚合物混合微流体生物芯片的新概念;他首次开发出使用普通温度计进行低成本定量分析的光热生物传感器.

李教授在相关领域已发表高质量SCI论文117余篇(包括Adv Drug Deliv RevAppl Catal B-Environ, Chem Sci, Anal ChemBiosens Bioelectron)3Elsevier专著,拥有22项专利,是生物高科技公司microBioChip Diagnostics (µBCD)的创始人。同时还担任Nature Publishing GroupMicrosystems & Nanoengineering, Scientific ReportsMicromachines6家期刊的资深编辑,以及Lab ChipAnalyst等国际著名期刊的Advisory Board成员。曾获得 “Bioanalysis New Investigator Award” (2014)UT STARS Award (2012), 加拿大“NSERC Postdoctoral Fellow Award” (2009)等奖项。



