林嘉和:Unveiling Disorder-to-Order: Structural Transformation and Crystallinity Enhancement in Metal-Organic Frameworks
Posted on:2024-11-29 hits:


报告题目:Unveiling Disorder-to-Order: Structural Transformation and Crystallinity Enhancement in Metal-Organic Frameworks

报告时间:2024-11-29 14:30

报告人: 林嘉和 教授





The disorder to order and structural transformation are unique metal-organic framework (MOF) characters. How to adapt or control both behaviors in MOF is rarely studied. Topological transitions between significantly different phases typically require extreme conditions to collectively break chemical bonds and overcome the stress caused to the original structure by altering its correlated bond environment. In this presentation, we demostrate two examples that can achieve structural rearrangement of the whole lattice of MOFs through the bond connectivity under mild conditions. The system transforms from a disordered amorphous MOF with low porosity to a highly porous and crystalline isomer upon activation of solvent exchange and evacuation, resulting in a significant increase in surface area and pore sizes. Spectroscopic measurements show that this counter-intuitive lattice rearrangement involves a metastable intermediate that results from solvent removal on coordinately unsaturated metal sites. Defect and desolvation emerged as key orchestrators of transforming disorder MOFs, with its initially imperfect crystallinity, into the highly crystalline order MOFs.



Chia-Her Lin earned his bachelor's and master's degrees from Chung Hsing University in Taichung from 1992 to 1998. He then joined the Department of Chemistry at Tsing Hua University in Hsinchu, where he received his Ph.D. in 2002 under the guidance of Professor Sue-Lein Wang. His research focused on porous and photo-luminescent metal phosphates. After completing his military service in 2004, he returned to Professor Sue-Lein Wang's group as a postdoctoral scholar. In late 2005, he continued his postdoctoral research at Michigan State University under Professor Mercouri G. Kanatzidis, where he specialized in solid-state chemistry. In 2006, he was appointed as an assistant professor of chemistry at Chung Yuan Christian University. He was promoted to associate professor in 2010 and full professor in 2013. Throughout his career, Professor Lin has mentored over 50 master's students, 6 doctoral students, and 5 postdoctoral fellows. He has authored over 250 scientific papers in inorganic chemistry, metal phosphates, and metal-organic frameworks. In August 2019, he joined the Department of Chemistry at Taiwan Normal University. In August 2024, he moved to the Department of Chemistry at Tsing Hua University.



